This is a blog I'm going to keep to chronicle my (and my friends') exploits in the Halo video games. We play to have fun, not to be uber l33t bad@$$es with mad high ranks yo. None of us are Halo 2 converts. We've all been playing since Halo 1. As a matter of fact Halo 1 on a dorm LAN is how I met my current roomates and Halo co-conspirators. I have a video capture card that I use to record our Halo games sometimes. I'll be posting some of the videos we've made. We also plan on making more. Hopefully some from the Halo 3 beta as well. I was lucky enough to have my name pulled from the hat for Phase One. No extra Halo playing, nor any money sunk into Crackdown for me. The name of the blog is from the name of our Halo 2 clan. Which has kind of gone to hell. It's currently me, 2 guys I've never met before, and my friend TJ's mysteriously still active account. The one he canceled months ago. Hopefully we'll be reforming for Halo 3, though I'm the only one with a 360 right now, which could put a kink in that. If I can remember to, I'll be putting the picture of the battle rifle up there next to every post where I'm ranting and not posting a video. You know, like this one. I think I've blabbered enough, so I'll end on this: It doesn't matter if you win or lose, as long as you yell the last racial slur.
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